
Female Founders Focus with Annabell Vacano

Female Founders Focus @ GFA Startup LEX:
Annabell Vacano, Co-Founder at Atopia Space, striving to revolutionize the way people experience art and culture through immersive virtual reality experiences. Read the full interview here!

Female Founders Focus with Flore de Durfort

Female Founders Focus @ GFA Startup LEX:
Flore de Durfort, Co-Founder at Point Twelve Energy: “In moments of doubt, I like to remind myself that being an entrepreneur means remaining an active player in my own life – and that I can hardly lose at that game.” Read the full interview here!

Female Founders Focus with Barbara Praehofer

Female Founders Focus @ GFA Startup LEX:
Barbara Praehofer, Co-Founder at ExoMatter: “Be brave and bold. Go out with your idea and inspire people with your vision and your product.” Read the full interview here!

Female Founders Focus with Flora Geske

Female Founders Focus @ GFA Startup LEX: Flora Geske, Co-Founder at SUMM AI: “Find a problem you are very passionate about and make it your goal to solve it as big and impactful as possible.” Read the full interview here!